Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My experience learning English at the University.

My experience learning English in University has had good moments and bad moments. I had every courses of English in my university life (Starter, Beginner, Preintermediate and Intermediate) and I must to admit that I am very tired, although I have learnt too much.
Now, I will talk about my different opinions, anecdotes and experiences with this course in each year. I want to show the importance of English in my career and my life, even though I have several problems to learning English.

When I matriculate in Universidad de Chile, I never thought that I must to have a course of English. Before of start my career, I come to Social Science Faculty to have an English test. This Test was very difficult to me and I think that me results were very awful. In the first week in the University, I knew that I belong to Beginner Course of English. In that moment I was very disappointed, and I didn’t want to start the course. In the first year, I felt discouraged, because I thought that I was so behind in my level. Then I understand that English course was necessary; I must improve my level in this language.
In the second level, I had other opinion about this course. Sometimes, I enjoyed learning English and I thought that I improved my vocabulary, listening and my writing. In that level I had my first Oral Presentation. Although I was very nervous, that experience was useful to me, because I polish up my speaking.
When I was in Preintermediate level, I learnt more words and idioms of language, I had my first Oral Interaction and started my first web page; the blog. Henceforth, my English skills were improving, above all listening. In this year, I began the level 4. Undoubtedly, this course was where I learnt more English. I learnt new words, I improved my reading and speaking, that is, I knew other ways of communication.

Finally, I can to say that English is very necessary to have more opportunities to understand the world. I learnt since simple things for example understand words and sentences in television (TV series or publicity), until important things for example giving directions to foreign people, reading scientific papers of my subjects and communicate with other people in my professional area.
For all that, I think that English has enriched my career, because that language allow me knowing other realities, which is the principal way to connect with people.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I wouldn’t like to be wealthy. I would like to have a job and economic independency, but I don’t want a lot of money, because I think that I don’t need that many resources. I prefer earning enough salary to live well and supply my principal needs. People don’t need to have too much money to be comfortable, in fact, people can live with little cash.
If I inherited a lot of money, I would like to help some people in problems. For example, I help some close people with their careers and their expenses. Then, I would like to travel around the world with my family or my friends. I would visit Asia and Europe principally. When I return, I spend my time in my principal hobbies; painting, taking pictures, writing. I would probably buy some new cameras, but it would be difficult for me to change my old camera. Besides, I would buy several paints and canvas for painting. I would never drop my career.
If I was a millionaire, I would spend my money in my family and my interests. I would like to take some courses about literature, or painting, but I don’t have enough time. Also, I would invite my friends to travel for Chile and Latino America. I would buy several books and I would share some parties with my close friends.
Money is not very important to me. I think that I have enjoyed enough with little money. My hobbies are expensive maybe, but it’s possible to enjoy them in other ways.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Environment Cares are very important to preserve natural places and our lives. People learn environmentally friendly practices in school and from their families principally. Teachers instill to students good habits, for example, throwing wastes out or cleaning their desks. But the most important habits are learnt within familiar group.
Recycling hasn’t incorporated in my activities yet, because in my social and daily environment doesn’t have spaces that allow recycling. But I really like to include these healthy practices in my life. I would like that my neighborhood and university offer possibilities to recycle every kind of material.
I don’t like to use bike. I usually move with legs, I really like walking down street. In that way I keep my organism in healthy conditions and I careful environment. This city is much polluted, because many people use their cars and buses every day. People should begin to use other transport methods, like bike, segway scooter and their legs.
I never participate in an eco-organization, only small groups in my school. Actually, I don’t have time to join some organization, like Green Peace, but I really like participate in someone.
I think that I have well environmentally habits. I worry to keep clean every place that I use; my rooms, streets, my classroom, and etcetera. Beside I try to teach to other person good habits. I consider that I am very organized and tidy, and I try to share theses habits with my relatives and friends. As well I try to learn new ways to careful environment. I would like participate in a ecological group to clean beaches or forest in my next holidays.
I have decreased use of contaminants vehicles and artifacts, for example cars and buses, to reduce my carbon footprint. Society should incorporated institutions that teach people careful our planet. As well, government must include new educational reforms, which tackle environment cares, and create strict laws to prohibit bad practices, for example contaminate.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My experience in high school was really nice. In first place, my classmates and teachers influenced me very much. They are so kind and funny people. My classmates are my brothers practically, although they are a little irresponsible with their tasks and works.
Most of my teachers were good and professional. I had a good teacher of Language, he taught me to write in a symbolic way or write with good orthography. My History teacher was very orderly, she taught me about universal history improving my knowledge in that area. Other teacher that I remember is my Biology teacher. He was an expert in microbiology and lab techniques. He worked in France and then he did classes in Medicine Faculty in Universidad de Chile. These persons were my best teachers and they influenced me in my interests and decisions.
My favorite subjects were Language, Mathematics, Biology, History and Art. My likes were fed by big knowledge and advices from my best teachers. I really liked mathematics, although I didn’t have good teachers. I just liked Language, because it let me create texts and short stories.
My school had some technological objects that help my teachers to make classes; data show, video room, microscopes, etcetera, but my school needs include new artifacts.
I think that my formation in school affected totally my decisions. My History teacher and I applied several vocational and skill tests to find some appropriate area for me. According to those results, I decide study Psychology. In my opinion I take a very good decision.
The authorities must include some reforms to improve educational development. For example, government must promote that more people interested in pedagogy careers. The authorities must also improve technology in all schools in this country.
Even though some teachers were very bad or unpleasant, I can say that I received a good education. Education depends on our efforts too, not only our teachers.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I chose a little article about educational psychology: “Time for a rethink on special educational needs”. This text speaks about special needs in a classroom, specifically disadvantaged children. This article quotes to Ofsted, an institution of education in England. This entity recognizes that children with special needs or disability are generally excluded from school. Ofsted suggests simply that children have better teaching. This text says that suggestion is inappropriate and insufficient, because that don’t considers special needs of kids.
The great majority of prisoners apparently have bad reading and writing skills; probably their teachers are very incompetent. In a good school children special needs are considered, but sometimes is very difficult teach to thirty students or more. An insufficient education would be very detrimental for children, which falls by the wayside and then they feel failure.
Finally, give extra help to children with special needs is urgent, in this way children improve their literacy skills, which gives them best opportunities. Bad literacy skills of prisoners prove it. Ofsted should consider special needs and benefits of a good education in population of society.
This interesting article was extracted from:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2010/sep/16/time-rethink-special-educational-needs from “the guardian”, and the link of this page is: http://www.guardian.co.uk/

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

One of my favorite movies is “Un long dimanche de fiançailles”. It’s a French movie, directed by Jean Pierre Jeunet and based on a Sebastien Japrisot novel. This movie shows a relationship between Mathilde and Manech, who were separated by First World War. Mathilde searches Manech, who disappeared in trench near Germany. Everybody says that Manech was dead, but Mathilde refused to believe it. Mathilde is very optimistic, never lose her hopes.
First, Mathilde received a letter from a veteran, which had been with Manech in trench. This man tells Mathilde that her boyfriend was condemned for self mutilation in Bingo Crepuscule, one of French trench in frontier with Germany. The veteran give to Mathilde a little box, where is many objects of soldiers; pictures, letters, watches. Mathilde get several clues to find her boyfriend. Then, she goes Paris for contract a detective, which helps her. Mathilde knows many people, old majors, other women that search their boyfriends and a murderer, who looking for revenge. This Murderer named Tina Lombardi is very vindictive; she murders every major that hurt her boyfriend (the Angel) in war. Tina search her Angel, but in a different way of Mathilde. Mathilde connect stories to know where Manech is.
My favorite part in this movie is when Mathilde meet with Manech, in an old convent. There, she discovers that her boyfriend is amnesiac. Due to he don’t search her. Manech says the same words that he said when he knows Mathilde.
This movie likes me because contain many war stories, interesting characters and beautiful images, although sometimes result a long film too much. I wouldn’t like to change nothing of this movie, maybe only reduce the length off.
Bye bye.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I think that a foreigner should visit many places in Santiago, specifically The Center. There a foreigner should visit some old buildings and streets, for example Londres Street, Paris Street or some avenue in Providencia. These places are full of antiques stores, coffee shops, pubs and old museums. Santiago presents several areas very beautiful to take pictures, for example San Cristóbal Hill, where is possible have a panoramic view of city, visit to zoo park and make exercises climbing the hill. Other interesting place is Santa Lucía Hill which presents a Castle Hidalgo and beautiful gardens. Near of there, is Lastarria Neighborhood, where is possible visit alternative cinemas, theaters and nice restaurants. Lastarria Neighborhood has many old streets to paint, parks to make exercises and relaxing and cultural centers. In the north of Lastarria, we find Bella Vista Neighborhood, full of pubs and restaurants where we can enjoy parties and have lunch. This place has the most beautiful streets with paving stone and to surround of colorful houses. There is possible visit Pablo Neruda’s House and several theaters.
In my opinion the best places in Santiago are Lastarria Neighborhood, Londres and Paris streets, Providencia, Bellas Artes Museum and Bella Vista Neighborhood. Lastarria is a little area, next to Forestal Park. For me Lastarria is the most typical place of Santiago. Then, Londres and Paris streets are an area that preserves some traditional architectonic elements of old Santiago. Providencia contain nice places to eat and buy, for example book stores, sushi bar or record shops. Bellas Artes Museum is a spectacular art experience where is possible enjoy sculptures, paintings and photo expositions. Finally Bella Vista Neighborhood is a very popular place, where everybody in Santiago and foreigners meet.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dnepropetrovsk maniacs

Three years ago, Ukraine and world shocked with the horror of the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs, two young students murder twenty one people. Homicides were very awful, because were executed with a hammer and taped with a cellular camera. Subsequently, the horrible videos were uploading to internet by strangers. The judges and detectives think that these homicides were committed for commercial reasons, because the videos could have been taped by Snuff, a new way of black market. The Snuff consists in contracting a stranger as a murderer, then this person murders some people and tapes the murder. Later, the bloody videos are sold or uploading on internet to degenerate spectators.
The news is surprising, because the videos are very violent and cruel, beside the homicides were committed by young persons, students were nineteen years old when these events happened.
Many people were involved in this situation, fathers of the maniacs, their friends, and families of the victims. The parents of maniacs denied the crimes of their sons until now and accused the detectives to falsify the evidences. But this is impossible, because a lot of videos were found in the computers of maniacs, the hammers and other elements used in the murders.
Ukraine got very shocked with this news and the community demanded quickly the worst of punishment for these two students. This case was easy and fast, because the detectives had a lot of evidences and the confessions of maniacs.
I would like to hear better news about youth. As well, I would like to hear that this kind of events won’t happen again.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A country I would like to visit.

I would like to visit France. In fact I really would like to visit any European country. I like France because it is a beautiful nation, a very safe place to live and work. France has many nice places, streets, rivers, buildings and the famous Eifel Tower. Besides, I like French language a lot. I have never gone to France, but many friends and relatives have visited this country and they told me how it is. According to them is an amazing country, very cultural and modern. France is very important in the Universal History, principally in the French Revolution, in which the monarchy was brought down, and as well this nation had prominence in the Second War World during Germany invasion or the Day D.
I would like to travel to France, visiting cities and fields. I would like to take pictures of avenues, buildings and the Eifel Tower. One of my dreams is studing in France someday. Then I would like to work and when I have enough money, travel to Europe and Asia. I wouldn’t like to live in France a long time, because I intend to travel and know people of several cultures. Although I really like to live in that country some months. I hope I can go there soon. Bye!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Second Term, 2010

The first semester was very long and stressful, but it was really interesting and important. I had seven subjects and my favourite areas were Psychopathology and Theory and Systems. I think that these subjects are more relevant than the rest, because these topics deal with necessary tools for all psychologist in the world. Psychopathology refers about all disorders and mental sicknesses in a very long list, which describes each of them to make easier the diagnostic and therapy. Besides “Theory and Systems” presents a critical vision about Social Sciences specifically about Psychology. It is an epistemological subject, during this term we review the defect of science and the scientific method. As well, this subject speaks about psychoanalysis, Lacanian Psychoanalysis specifically.
The most important about this term is my free time. It was a very relaxing semester, although sometimes I was very tired. I think that we read so little, and then I could spend my free time in some hobby, for example painting, writing and taking some pictures of Santiago.
In my opinion, more difficult and boring subject for me was Neurophysiology, because this area has many disorders and anatomy. Fortunately I passed it with a very good average grade, but I don’t remember the content very much.
Bye bye !

Friday, July 2, 2010

My blog experience has been very good. I really like write in my personal web page. At first I thought it would be hard for me to write reviews and publications, but soon I realized that it was nothing out of this world. Each session became easier and now I feel I can write quickly and relatively good English. My first was a small publication is an introduction, I described and pointed out my goals with the blog. My second publication was a description of the earthquake in Chile, I think that was the text I wrote faster. Then I wrote about my busy week, with tests and papers. Then I wrote about who I admire, Marx, on his life, work and their contributions to philosophy, politics and sociology. My fifth publication was about my favorite site on psychology, the page we use most in my class is www.u-cursos.com, I explained its usefulness and importance. The sixth current beta I wrote about my favorite band Radiohead, briefly described its history, its records and thematic developments in his music. Later I talked about my favorite technological object, the computer, described their uses, how many computers I've had and how much I used in my college life. Then I talked about another of my favorite bands, Sigur Rós, an Icelandic band to what I described on the basis of his only film, Heima. In the penultimate publication wrote about Freud, one of the most important theorists of history, father of psychoanalysis and very influential with their ideas on humanity and their experiences. My last post was the most enjoyed, it was about my favorite, one that I captured.

Finally, I leave, I have improved a lot in my writing of English and many have shared my knowledge with classmates. I hope next semester can go further, to finally write some things in English.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

This is my favorite. Myself I took an afternoon walking through the center of Santiago. I usually leave my house with my camera to take pictures of streets and buildings, especially when I'm on vacation. This photo shows one of my favorite streets, whose name escapes me for now, is near Baquedano, in Providencia. I took in April or so, when I left university early on a Tuesday. I got off the bus to take some pictures and looked up and I found that image. It was the only one who took that road and I repent. Taking pictures in the streets is dangerous, but I care enough to hide my camera enough to not suffer theft. My camera has 8 pixels and high quality captures. Is calibrated to capture plenty of light and usually use it in warm mode for color. I like this picture because it has beautiful colors, the sky background and nice apartments that are there. I plan to return soon to the streets to capture more photos, though I qe should go to see new places, not to bore those who already know. The sectors that are visited to take pictures Providencia, Santiago, Ñuñoa Centre and the two reasons I choose, stay close to my university and because they are very nice streets and Parks. It is one of the pictures has left me more consistent, although I have I took several pictures of my vacation, which I also like a lot. I usually shoot a lot more streets and buildings, although it is very dangerous to leave the house, but I also like photographing forests, rivers, lakes and mountains. The next time you walk down this street, try to replicate a similar picture, but from another perspective.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Freud and the Creation of Cultures.

Freud divided his theory in two big topics; the first topic refers to psychic systems; unconscious, preconscious and conscious. These phases in his work is very easy recognizing the different systems; unconscious refers to system of repress, there are all of representations incompatible with the conscious, for example traumas or awful experience of the infancy; preconscious is the system where is all of the representations with easy access, this system is very similar with the concept of memory, there the contains are save and can be remember, for example the characteristics of our parents, the name of our friends, the color of sea; finally, the conscious is the system of the representation of actions, is similar to attention, this system let the conduct and the motility. Later, Freud explains the phenomenon with the second topic, which is more specific and hard than the first topic. The second topic include the resorts, this are tree; ego, superego and id. Ego refers to “I” or “self”, the space where the person think, decide and fight against to external and internal demands. Superego corresponds to resort that suppress the ego, is the moral space which contains internal norms and rules learnt of culture. Finally, Id refers to instance where the desire, the aspiration of pleasure is. Freud tries to explain the society formation across these topics, which the animal passions are suppressed for several internal/external norms for the creation of human relationships.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Icelandic bands are very particular. This music have an original style, because use several instruments create by Icelandic people (xylophone, flutes, etc; all this instruments are made of rocks, piece of woods, stem of plants). These elements produce a singular sounds, typical melodies of Iceland. Sigur rós is the better example of this description. This band is composed by four members: Jònsi, Georg, Kjartan and August. Sounds of Sigur rós represent the melancholic landscape of their country, full of volcano, deserts, glacier and lakes. They have six albums until now and one picture movie, where present different songs in different places of Iceland. This movie is Heima, which has beautiful natural images. The majority lyrics of this band are write in Hopelandic, a type of language without meaning very similar of crying or laments. Their style is post-rock, although usually the band incorporates several kinds of music, for example jazz, rock and folk. In Heima presents all their albums, and show the construction of the principal instruments, (guitar, violin, xylophones, flutes, etc.) Is impossible process all their music immediately, its important listen with care and slowly for understand the enormous message. This band never come to Latin America, I really want that!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My favorite technological object is the Computer. I don’t care what kind of computer is, I like all type of computers. My first computer was a present of my parents; I get it eight years ago approximately. This computer was very old and only can to play some games and write works or tasks. Even so, I like it, because I learn several computational activities, useful for school life and the university. Then this computer was damaged, and we never repair it. Later, I don’t have a good computer, but then I get one, which a keep until now. This artefact is useful for write anything (works, tasks, personal things, etc.), I can save images of my travels, parties or sunsets, I can save much music and listen to songs of my favourite bands. Also, is useful for communicate with different people, like relatives in other countries or friends which lives far away from my house. I use the computer every day after class, and I can use it for several hours. I like this technological object, because I enjoy the activities that can do, for example; load pictures, write some texts, watch movies and listen to music. My life would be very boring without the computer; also I can’t work such fast.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Radiohead, Ok.

Radiohead is a band from England, born specifically in Oxford. It is composed of five members, Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, Colin Greenwood, Phil Sellway and Ed O'Brien. The band has over twenty years experience and seven studio albums. They have won several awards and have become well known, but their inner lives remain outside the public domain. His first two albums (Pablo Honey, The Bends), show the youth of their experiences (both existential and musical), being remembered for the strength of his guitars and violence of the lyrics. From OK Computer, the band's music takes a turn and combines rock with electronics. This third album makes known worldwide and to the surprise of the public, this seems to piss them off. After this, the band goes through bad times, the singer (Thom Yorke) stops writing songs for a while and stop producing songs. After this bad weather, released Kid A, their fourth album, more experimental work of the group. With electronic sounds, guitars and melancholy lyrics chaotic, they try to get away from fame and focus on a small group of fans. Amnesiac published soon, where band consolidated its reputation for quality. Hail to the Thief, the sixth album, attempts to recover ancient sounds whilst still experimental sounds, unusual instruments and the lyrics of a political nature. In Rainbows is the band's latest album is divided into two parts, which could be downloaded from the internet (even free). At this point no one disputes the quality of the songs, or poetry. Radiohead has shown that their intentions are not to be known, or sell many records, but focus on making good music.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Actually there are many pages of psychology that can be used to study and collect information for the work. Without doubt one of the most useful web pages for me and my classmates, is the e-course. However, we have recently started using the site www.u-cursos.cl which provides information concerning the different subjects. In this website you can also find the texts we read class to class, there are also some notes on our latest tests. Anyone can upload any text or comments, leave your signature and suggestions, without being anonymous, which is very important to avoid misunderstanding. This page is very useful for obtaining the necessary material and to communicate with aides for each subject, asking some important things. I visit this page at least once a week, to be aware of my duties. I like this site because it is very tidy and is a useful way to stay informed and communicate with others, it is also possible to open a personal account on the page and create their own profile. I hope that people who do not know this page, you can join and share with everyone soon! Goodbye

Actually I do not admire anyone. The admiration is to another as a superior and that does not exist. However, I like some characters who are interesting and redeemable. One is the philosopher Karl Marx, who dedicated his life to social theory, strongly questioning the capitalist society of his day and proposing ways of achieving an egalitarian society where the people had involvement and better living conditions. Marx was born in Germany, specifically in Trier, in a large family of Jewish origin. He studied law at Bonn University, then studying philosophy in Berlin. It is influenced by Hegel and develops concepts such as, work, alienation, social class, consciousness and communism. Along with Engels, is the father of scientific socialism, which meets the basic principles of his theory. Marx is interesting because it is able to recognize many flaws in the capitalist system and tends to debunk the image of social structure. The accuracy of his observations is really surprising, is also able to use the philosophy and science, to coordinate their postulates. In his critical acumen and methodical observation, Marx is unsurpassed.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

This week has been very busy. First we had to read a long book about critical psychology, "Sobre la Condición Social de la Psicología", which will be evaluated Friday. Then we had to make another text for the same test and discuss in groups. All this work is for Theory and Systems, a rather complex field in which question the foundations of science and specifically, the foundations of psychology. Next week will not be very different, as we have checks and more texts to read to Psychopathology. I hope to soon have a break, although it will be difficult, at least for now. We have had little evidence and luckily I was okay, I hope this is maintained in this form. The subjects of this year I found quite good, are interesting and useful to the work of psychologists, especially Psychopathology, Neurophysiology and Social Psychology. I hope you keep up the classes interesting. Goodbye.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A lively party.

That night I enjoy in a party with my university friends. We are in the Paulina’s house; we are very tired, because drink and dance a lot. Then, near to 2 am of the Saturday morning, eat few junk foods (pizza specifically), in the meantime speak and remember some moments in the classes. Then of laugh too much, we decide enter in the house, because we are very cold in the garden. It was 3:30 am, when Camila says: “I think… it’s an earthquake” at the beginning we don’t believe her, and we continue speaking. But then a minutes, our bodies can’t to stand. We never think that it was an earthquake, until that we were out, in the courtyard. We are 16 persons approximately in the party, hugging each other very tight. The water of swimming pool goes out to get wet the grass. The trees to swing very strong and some walls fall in the floor. When the earthquake is over, we don’t believe what happened.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hello, my name is David Paredes and I am second year student of Psychology at the Universidad de Chile, and I'm in the English course 3, pre-intermediate. One task was to create this blog as a way of skill application. I hope to learn and improve my English through this website, learning to write and read better through publications in this Blog. I also hope to learn more about my classmates and share knowledge with them. Goodbye.